We have created yet another strong and permanent fish structure for shallow water fry, forage fish and little pond or lake fish to call home. Much larger and heavier than the Cradle models, this shorter cluster of combined materials will stand up to waves, slope, current, fishing pressure and time. A unique mixture of thicker cuts, standing firm to protect the little guys. Standing over three feet tall, this artificial fish habitat opens to over five feet wide with more than ten pounds of safe and durable PVC per unit, creating over 100 square feet of life growing surface area. Fish habitat structures that create fish hides for Bunker fish and all around fish hiding.
It needs your help to prepare for installation, although less than five minutes is all you'll need to bend the limbs to shape by hand, creating any abstract shape you think your fish will like. Massive surface area creates food for the young, growing life around and within the unlimited hiding spaces.
Standing over 48" tall and extending to over 72" wide, this stable cluster of cover will protect all sizes and types of aquatic creatures. Shown above with the Fortress on the right and the Bunker on the left, the StoutHouse fish crib will keep your little ones safe from predators both in water and from above.
A mixture of nine different types of materials cut into countless variations of sizes and widths, allow this sturdy and strong compact house to stand up to any elements. Wind, steep shallow slopes and waves, won't pull this home from it's foundation. A strong, stout, fish hide for the young, providing protection, food and resting areas in any adverse conditions that are present.