The BoardRoom Fish Habitat Mat is an entire 4048 Habitat Mat filled with wide profile PVC board like limbs in semi rigid, but bendable planks. This intermediate sized and spaced lounging area is off limits to any deemed less important. The Boardroom pallet fish structure is for the important up and comers, larger fish feeding heavily wherever they can find a good meal. Each snag free PVC board is hand cut from around 3" to 6" wide and between six and seven feet tall. Each essential fish habitat has a textured wood grain finish, vary in size and thickness, height and angles, creating a wall of upright cover which won't ever fall down. This maze of vertical cover allows the mid depth fishery to prosper within the safe and protective, vertical standing planks. Each plank can also be bent by hand to abstract angles and shapes if desired, or left standing straight up and installed just as it's delivered. Averaging 275 pounds, this Mid Depth Habitat Mat unit can cover about a seven feet by seven feet square if left unbent, or bent open to over a twelve feet square, cluster of cover. Over 350 sq. ft. surface area with room for additional units/materials. ( Ask about the built in backup, allowing entire Mat to glide backwards upon install, putting itself back under your feet, dock or pier as it comes to rest.) Fully customizable fish habitat and fish attractors, tell us how we can make them specifically to meet your needs and specific site/species conditions.