Introducing our first ever artificial fish habitat in a cluster of tall and towering cuts of habitat pieces, arranged in a reclaimed plastic barrel. Weighing more than enough to keep it standing vertical under any conditions, these tall fish crib trees do it like nothing else!
With hundreds of individually hand cut PVC pieces, each hand made habitat barrel contains a towering forest of artificial fish cover. Magnum PVC plastic pieces ranging from 48" to 100" tall, stretch to the lake surface. New types of cuts, profiles and towering sections, built to stand tall through the test of time. Our patented Shleafs, Shticks, and dozens of other popular cuts of safe PVC fish habitat materials in all sizes, are ready to turn green with fuzz.

The 20" diameter reclaimed plastic base standing 8" tall, holds 125 pounds of cement, adhering the additional 50 pounds of reclaimed PVC pieces together like a root wad from an old oak tree. The included profiles of all reclaimed PVC materials, can be bent to create more detailed shapes, or left as they come, ready for the fish. We like to leave the tallest pieces from 8' down to the five and six footers, standing tall to create the canopy. Pinch the tops, bend some of the tips, but keep that towering vertical height the fish need. The shorter 4 footers and some of the fives, are easy to bend out to fill the lower levels to fill as shown.
With nothing included that is shorter than 48" tall, this magnum barrel bush will prevail throughout time, servicing the deep water predator fish.
These super tall deep water barrel models, can be mixed up with the slightly shorter and much more coarse, six foot transition timber barrel models, in any quantities you'd like. Same price, same amount of surface area in each of the two models. Order two of each, one and three, you decide and we will send all four to your door on a pallet ready to install as fast as you can roll them off the boat! Mix them up to create a living underwater Fishscape that grows aquatic life forever.
More artificial fish habitat variety has proven to increase aquatic biodiversity. We carefully select different cuts, types, thicknesses and flexes of materials for fish specific use. These habitat barrels of permanent fish housing, offer safety, food and protection for fish in conditions never thought possible, reducing stress and increasing fish.
Each of the Eight Foot Tall Forest of Four Barrel units included, contain the following cuts and sizes, divided into quarters:
50 pounds of 4'-5' pieces, 40 pounds of 5'-6' pieces, 40 pounds of 6'-7' pieces, 70 pounds of 7'-8'+ pieces
Two incorporated cotton handles allow ease of carrying, sliding or rolling into boat, dock or dry lake bed.
Additional attachment points are easily added to barrel sides, giving you the ability to attach other items you wish to be anchored together and stay in one place

Each artificial fish habitat unit opens to a 12 foot diameter bush standing over eight feet tall. The group of four will cover an area 25 feet square or larger with other models mixed within, keeping large fish out and small fish safe inside.
Multiple PVC structure designs and arrangements can be created with any of our reclaimed PVC plastic materials shown, either shipped loose or completed. Prefer using our heavier Modular mats for ultra steep and abstract layout design? No problem, we can build these and any of our products specifically to fit your needs.
Contact us today to discuss customizing barrels to fit your needs regarding depth, species, water type/current/clarity and more, at no additional cost to customize. First created from our 200 pound build your own Fishiding fish Barrels shown below
Heavier or lighter, larger or smaller diameter, taller or shorter and specific cut profiles are readily available, almost anything is possible with the unlimited supply of reclaimed PVC destined for landfills. Build it and they will come, houses for the fish!