The ShleafTM is our all-new magnum tall, super wide, stiff and flimsy display of light gathering surface area made from repurposed PVC sheets that were headed to the landfill. Hand cut and custom creased with proven underwater, aquatic habitat success.
This box contains all eight dozen of the ready-made and super thick .060 pieces to create your own customized transition reclaimed artificial fish habitat. This thickness at this size and length make the 48" size special and unique. Extra wide at the top and narrow near the bottom, we recommend the use of three to five in each individual habitat unit. You provide the containers and cement, the labor and the design. Create the habitat size and complexity you want for your fish!

With eight dozen separate ShleafsTM, you can see how far this box will go for the fish. The 48" tall pieces are all cut and creased by hand, always exclusively from unused extra thick .060 PVC panels, destined as scrap. They are carefully creased at the bottom where they get stuck in cement and wide and flexible at the tops. Each individual ShleafTM panel weighs under a pound, with two dozen weighing on average, about 15 pounds.
Averaging from 4" to over 7" wide at the tops, they really cast a bunch of shade, creating great mid depth ambush locations. Each dozen ShleafsTM equal 35 square feet of surface area for periphyton and algae growth. The eight dozen ShleafsTM included, will equal over 275 sq.'

Not all fish attractors are created equal. At Fishiding, we are certain that the fish attractors we construct are the best because we use superior reclaimed PVC materials that attract any type of aquatic species; keep it simple by design; and guarantee a lifetime of results.