Number one fish attractor buoy on the market for over fifteen years and counting! The SmallSpot fish attractor buoy and fish marker excels in keeping you and the fish on the spot! After the fish habitat drops and the bubbles disappear, the spots rise directly aboce the fish crib, keeping you on the spot!
Correct fish structure placement is crucial to maximize the benefits to both the fish and fisherman. This full six pack of Small spot fish habitat markers, will help your fish structure project succeed with perfect placement under water, on the water!

Clip the re-useable spot onto any piece or limb near the top of the habitat and toss in all into the lake. The spot un-winds as the fish habitat unit drops, leaving a spot on mark where it sits on the lake floor. After your DIY fish habitat structures are installed and you can see the design, take a picture of your layout and pull the clips free from the artificial fish habitat to re-use. Your secret design that will hold fish on the SPOT!